Satriaji Idam bio photo

Satriaji Idam

A self-declared philomath from Indonesia who loves programming, the web, devops, and is super passionate about the cloud-native technology.

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Finally, I'm Starting a Blog!

I remember it was December 2016 when I thought that I needed to make a blog so I could share my thoughts and experiences as an engineer to the world. At that time, like most people out there, WordPress was the first thing that came to my mind when thinking about making a blog.

So I went to ThemeForest, trying to find a good theme for my blog. But then, the thought of having to deal with tons of things that I needed to set up before I could get my WordPress blog up and running, got me stopped and reconsidered my option. Well, I don’t hate working with WordPress, but for my starter blog, it seems a bit overkill and expensive.

The next thing I remember, I went to review a static site generator. I placed my choice on Jekyll and instantly fell in love. I really like its workflow where I could just use my good ol’ favorite text editor to write my blog post in markdown format, and Jekyll would turn it into a static HTML page. Also, a free and reliable hosting in GitHub Pages was a great bonus.

After that, I went on to set up my Jekyll blog, found a theme for it, customized it a bit, then pushed it to my GitHub repository. With that done the next thing I had to do was just writing my blog posts. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, I was wrong. I couldn’t seem to find the right time and mood to start writing even though I had all the things I wanted to share in my head.

So just like that, I ended 2016 without actually started a blog. Since then, every day in 2017 I kept promising myself that I would start writing the first chance I got. But works came, I’d been busy, 2017 went by and I didn’t start anything.

Until today, when I finally find the will and decide to write my first blog post. It may be one and a half years late, but still, it’s 27th May 2018 and I’m finally starting a blog.

Who am I?

I’m a philomath who happens to be a Software Engineer who works as a DevOps Engineer. Anything else you can find it in my about page.

What this blog is about?

Just as I’ve mentioned before, I’ll mostly post about technical topics centered around my works as both Software and DevOps Engineer. I’m also thinking about posting some book reviews and perhaps sharing non-technical stuffs regarding my daily life once in a while.

How often will I post?

Every time I want to share something with the world, I’ll write a post. It can be once a week, once every two weeks, or even once a month. No promises.

Well then, happy reading folks!

Hope you’ll enjoy my blog.