Satriaji Idam bio photo

Satriaji Idam

A self-declared philomath from Indonesia who loves programming, the web, devops, and is super passionate about the cloud-native technology.

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About Me

I’m a philomath and a software engineer from Yogyakarta – Indonesia who loves Programming, The Web, DevOps, and is super passionate about Cloud-Native Technologies.

I started working on software development in 2012 while I was still a student at Universitas Islam Indonesia studying IT major. I focus mainly on backend development, building web services and RESTful APIs for mobile and web applications. Nowadays I mostly program in Go and Python, but I have experience in Java, Scala, and Ruby.

In 2017, I discovered DevOps and instantly fell in love. Since then, I’ve been digging and learning everything about DevOps from skills to technology necessary to implement it. Today, my daily works revolve around working with teams and organizations to integrate DevOps principles and practices into their daily work of development.

While not working, I love to spend my times reading good books or learning and experimenting with new tools or technologies. Currently, I like playing around with Kubernetes and learning about Google’s Site Reliability Engineering.

Current Interests

  • DevOps Tools & Practices
  • Object-Oriented & Functional Programming
  • Cloud-Native Applications & Technologies
  • Container (Docker, Kubernetes, & Rancher)
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Serverless Architecture
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • IT Automation
  • Agile Methodology
  • Machine Learning

More Information

If you like to find out more about me or just want to have some chats, feel free to drop me an email or visit my linkedin page.